
idsa-mscd officers reorganization-open to discussion

As an MSCD-IDSA faculty adviser I want to propose and discuss with all officers and members about reorganizing current positions. This semester we have; president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, media coordinator, design director, and event coordinator, totaling 7 officers. Quite a big group compared to other schools. I am proposing we cut down to 3 official officers and 2 honorary officers.

IDSA (as well as the school) only requires president, secretary, and treasurer, and those three are only officers required to attend the scoops meeting at the regional conference.
When I observed the past and current officers I see some overlaps and confusions about the responsibility of each position.
So, I'd like to propose we only have; president, vice president/secretary, and treasurer as three official officers, and design director and media coordinator/event coordinator as two honorary officers.

Also, I'd like to propose sharing benefits with more general members. This year we had more than twenty students who went to the conference, including past officers and newly elected officers, and other members. I was the person who decided (after talking with officers) to send old officers because they weren't able to attend last year's conference. I truly value their hard work and dedications, and sacrificing their other works, I believed they deserved to be at the conference at least once before they graduate.

It was the first time we financially supported both, old and new officers for the conference (under very special circumstance). We paid almost all officers' registration fees, lodging and air fares. But we weren't able to give any support to other general members who attended the conference. I'd like to share that financial benefit with other members.

Therefore, I am proposing we financially support only new officers, full support for three main officers and partial support for two honorary officers. And rest of the fund, if we get more, will be shared equally among members including old officers who are willing to help any idsa event and going to the conference.

What do you think? I want to hear your opinion please feel free to write a comment.

Thank you.

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