
Behind the Scenes of Getting a Job" A Webinar with IDSA Executive Director Frank Tyneski

Thinking about seeking a job or internship? How can you make your portfolio stand out from the crowd? What are employers looking for?

Get some real advice from a real pro—IDSA's Executive Director, Frank Tyneski. Prior to his arrival at IDSA, Frank staffed design teams globally, from interns to executives, at companies like Kyocera, RIM/BlackBerry and Motorola. He knows what design managers are looking for and how they seek talent.

For this webinar, all you need is a phone and a computer. Gather your entire student chapter or class together to participate (for one price)—or listen yourself! Frank will give you the practical advice you need to get your foot in the door and get that job.

Monday, November 17
2:00 pm ET
$50 for IDSA members/members of IDSA Student Chapters
$75 for nonmembers


  1. What is the actual cost? I got an email that listed the cost at "free" for IDSA members and $1.00 for non members... Maybe an update?

  2. As it says on the top the idsa metro chapter will pay $50 for the all idsa students members. So, you heard it right, free for all idsa members and $1 for non members.
